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发布时间:2024-10-13 11:59:01 点击量:737
本文摘要:“芬兰木,秀于林”芬兰木业研讨会(成都站)暨中芬木业商务洽谈不会邀请函 Date: WednesdayNovember18,2015,09:30–15:30(Registrationat08:30) 2015年11月18日,星期三,09:30–15:30(08:30注册入场) Venue:InterContinentalCenturyCityChengdu 成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店(成都市高新区世纪城路88号) Organizer: WoodfromFinlandProgram,FinproChina FinlandSawmillAssociation芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署芬兰木业推展项目 芬兰锯木厂协会 Co-organizer:ChinaTimberWoodProductsDistributionAssociationSichuanWindowDoorManufacturersAssociation SichuanFurnitureCommercialChamber 中国木材与木制品流通协会 四川省门窗行业协会 四川省家具行业商会 页面iTunes邀请函:20151109-芬兰木业研讨会暨中芬木业商务洽谈不会邀请函—成都站(Final).doc Finpro China, together with China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association, Sichuan WindowDoor Manufacturers Association, Sichuan Furniture Commercial Chamber will organize a seminar in beautiful Chengdu to introduce Finnish timber and its application. Besides, we’ll also present Wood from Finland promotion program. 芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署,联手中国木材与木制品流通协会、四川省门窗行业协会、四川省家具行业商会将于美丽的成都举行首次芬兰木业研讨会活动,会上将对芬兰木材以及应用于展开讲解。

“芬兰木,秀于林”芬兰木业研讨会(成都站)暨中芬木业商务洽谈不会邀请函 Date: WednesdayNovember18,2015,09:30–15:30(Registrationat08:30) 2015年11月18日,星期三,09:30–15:30(08:30注册入场) Venue:InterContinentalCenturyCityChengdu 成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店(成都市高新区世纪城路88号) Organizer: WoodfromFinlandProgram,FinproChina FinlandSawmillAssociation芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署芬兰木业推展项目 芬兰锯木厂协会 Co-organizer:ChinaTimberWoodProductsDistributionAssociationSichuanWindowDoorManufacturersAssociation SichuanFurnitureCommercialChamber 中国木材与木制品流通协会 四川省门窗行业协会 四川省家具行业商会 页面iTunes邀请函:20151109-芬兰木业研讨会暨中芬木业商务洽谈不会邀请函—成都站(Final).doc Finpro China, together with China Timber and Wood Products Distribution Association, Sichuan WindowDoor Manufacturers Association, Sichuan Furniture Commercial Chamber will organize a seminar in beautiful Chengdu to introduce Finnish timber and its application. Besides, we’ll also present Wood from Finland promotion program. 芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署,联手中国木材与木制品流通协会、四川省门窗行业协会、四川省家具行业商会将于美丽的成都举行首次芬兰木业研讨会活动,会上将对芬兰木材以及应用于展开讲解。此外,我们还不会对“芬兰木. 秀于林”芬兰木业推展项目展开详细讲解。

Finnish sawn timber comes from PEFC certified forests which are sustainably managed. Finland is the most wooden country in Europe and 71.6% of its area is covered by forest. About 13 % of our forests are protected according to the law. Short and mild growing season ensures that Finnish wood is slowly grown, strong, its structure is uniform and it is aesthetically very beautiful. This is also best guarantee for versatile end-uses and it can be utilized from highly demanding interior decoration and furniture into massive, bearing constructions. Finnish sawmill companies provide dependable delivery, consistently high quality, and long-term commitment. 芬兰木材皆来自于有PEFC管理证书的可持续化管理森林。芬兰的森林覆盖率低超过71.6%,是欧洲覆盖率最低的国家。


During the event, you will have the chance to meet high-level representatives of 9 large Finnish sawmilling companies, and discuss the possibility of further business cooperation. Please find the company introductions are attached. In addition to that you have opportunity to get information of sales possibilities of other 10 sawmilling companies of the program, which were not able to join the event this time. 活动期间,您将有机会结识来自最少9家芬兰大型锯木企业的高层代表,并探究将来商务合作的可能性。请求参看附件中各公司讲解。此外,您还有机会取得参予“芬兰木. 秀于林”芬兰木业推展项目的另外10家锯木生产企业的产品供应信息。

Wood from Finland Program, Finpro China, CTWPDA, Sichuan WindowDoor Manufacturers Association, Sichuan Furniture Commercial Chamber cordially invite you to participate in the Wood from Finland Event. 我们,芬兰木业推展项目、芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署、中国木材与木制品流通协会、四川省门窗行业协会、四川省家具行业商会真诚地邀您参与芬兰木业木业研讨会! Event Program /活动日程: Notice / 注意事项: Language: English – Chinese consecutive interpretation 活动全程获取翻译成 Please bring enough business cards for registration, making name badge and business matching. 请求携同充足多的名片用作登记注册、胸牌和商务洽谈。FREE OF CHARGE, for more information, please feel free to contact Finpro Shanghai。本研讨会不缴纳任何费用,欲了解更加多信息,青睐约见: 芬兰贸易投资旅游增进总署 上海办公室 倪雯女士(手机 136 2182 3191 邮箱anna.ni@finpro.fi) 中国木材与木制品流通协会 国际交流与合作部 杨俊逸女士 (手机 152 0143 7847 邮箱junyi.yang@cnwood.。

